quinta-feira, 30 de agosto de 2018


Did you know that washing your face several times a day is bad?

Yes, because it removes the natural hydration and leaves the skin irritated.

But what to do when you have oily skin?

It's okay that the fat on our face is natural, but the excess tends to open the pores and develop pimples.

In addition, it has the issue of aesthetics, the face gets very bright, so a lot of people use and abuse in makeup - which also hurts the skin.

In this post, we separate six tips to eliminate facial oil without damaging the skin:

1. Wash with water at room temperature

This seems very irrelevant, but remember to wash your skin at room temperature.

Make sure the water is not too cold or too hot, because excess can dry out the skin and make it more oily.

So wash your face twice a day with cold water, one in the morning and one in the evening.

2. Apply lemon juice to the face

Lemon juice is a very special ingredient for those who need to eliminate the oiliness of the skin.

It closes the pores and leaves the face more beautiful.

Mix warm water with lemon juice in a glass.

After doing so, soak a cotton ball in the solution and pass into the skin.

Let rest on your face for 15 minutes and then wash normally.

But it is necessary to avoid exposure to the sun and strong lights.

3. Apply tomato juice

Tomato juice is very good for closing the pores of the skin and removing excess fat.

Mix the tomato juice with warm water and rub it on the face, the same way as the previous tip.

Then wash your face thoroughly.

And also avoid exposure to the sun and strong lights.

4. Apply aloe vera gel daily

Slug is a popular remedy for oily skin.

This is not by chance!

She is really wonderful!

After washing the face, apply a layer of slug gel on the skin.

Do this twice a day.

5. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and drink water

Did you know that improving diet helps reduce excess oiliness?

Drink plenty of water too as it moisturizes the body and reduces the fat production on the face.

The best types of fruits and vegetables to eat are apple, banana, broccoli and cucumber.

6. Spend cucumber on face

Cut the sliced ​​cucumber and rub the juice of it into the skin.

Leave on for 15 minutes and then rinse.

This makes the face softer.

This is a news blog about home treatments. It does not replace a specialist. Always consult your doctor.